Yay. I think I am gonna skip the class later ;)
My class will be at 9am, and my six sense told me that class will be cancel. Hehe..
Alright. I am awake at this hour, which is not good.
Haha. But I already used to it. Come on, my biological clock is abnormal now.
Dear god, I wanna back to normal life where I can sleep at 10pm and wake up at 8am.
Anyway, I had a super good sleep last night.
Thanks miss ooi for the 龙骨 (a kind of Chinese herb which is mainly use for 安神 purpose).
And also thanks Qiqi for spending the time to cook the med for me..
I promised after tonight, oops should be morning, I will get into the bed in time. Tehee !
Haha. Had an awesome night with dear seniors.
Jac, I want u to be happy ! U still got us no matter how k ! Stay strong !
Qiqi, I love u ! Thanks so much and u are really a good listener !
Erin, cute senior who like to take pic, ESP funny epic pic ! Haha. Nice bonding with u !
Ah Pin, so sad that u fall sick d, faster recover and start fighting for ur test next week k !
Lastly, thanks miss ooi for sharing the room with us.. We LOVE you !
*4 of them sleep like a pig now which I am so jealous T.T*
Shall I go down to the lobby and walk around ?
Or just stay inside the room and wait for the sun rise ?
And I am kinda hungry now. *i hate my stupid stomach, give me the signal at the wrong time*
14.03.2013 - A night to be remembered.
Girls talk which I love the most.
Thanks my dear seniors.
Good night for those who are zzz-ing.
And good morning for those who are awaking.
Bye peeps !
2 months ago
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