Tuesday, 4 December 2012


Two more papers to go and I am gonna say hi to my holidays !

A day to remember.
Keep it up, SWY !
Thanks 张医师 and Miss Ooi for the encouragements !
Will keep it deep inside my heart.

Good night peeps !
Gonna wake up early for revision again.
Have a sweet dream (:

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Study Week @.@

What a short study week for me.
Gonna sit for my first final paper on coming Thursday.
Ehem. I need some luck wey.
Hardly concentrate in my bookssssss.
Was enjoying my past weekends with new friends. Really had fun with them.
I can throw away all the unhappiness when I was with them.
Really glad to have them. We are a big family of Della's fans. 相信音乐一家亲!!
I'm counting down for our next hang out.
2 more weeks to go, Jia you !
K laa. Gonna pig d.
Have to wake up at 7am later to have breakfast with my dear ah pin. Then study hard together ! Let's fight for final ! Nothing gonna beat us down ! Yea !
Good night ! Ending my post with a nice picture. (: Love ding dang !

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Short short break.

One week of Deepavali's break is short, right ? 
Enjoying my Tuesday at home, no work, browsing internet, stalking blogss.
What a great pass time. And I am so outdated, blame Inti's Wifi service. 

Hmm. I got so much to share. *starting from the beginning of this sem, Jun2012*
Have a look here, 4621 photos in my little apple. @.@

Haha. So can you imagine how many places I have been within this few months?
Many club activities too throughout this sem.
My 3rd sem in degree will be the most memorable one! ^^

Okay. Fyi, I just got back from Kuching last night. 
Went there for TCM conference. Thanks Miss Ooi for bringing us there (=
A best experience for me and I am so glad that I have attended it this year.
Cz the next conference will be held at California.
It's gonna be a big expenses for me then. 
Anyway, I hope I will have the chance to attend it again with coursemates.
*cz the entrance fee is free for Student, if not RM1800 will be charged*

What a pretty name. LOL
And thanks to my senior, Brian for being a typical Malaysia's driver. 
Ehem, drive without showing signal, and super no patience driving skill. 
Haha. A big big thankiu huh. And I love the kolok mee and kam pua there !
Tadaahhh. Kuching's famous kolok mee..!

And also the seaside, best place to take picture !
I will share the photos that we have taken soon !
Check it out at my FB or Instagram yea ! 

Hmm. Shall I stop here ?
Since no more rain now, I have to get ready the food for the BBQ party later at home ! Whee...!

Bye readers, will catch up soon ! 
Have a nice holidays !

Friday, 24 August 2012

Bye bye holidays ! T.T

Helloha I am here again to share my current life.
Hmm my holidays are coming to the end. Less than 3 days left ! Oh no !
Idk why my google chrome can't access into my account. Grr. Hate using this little thingy to blog. Eyes irritating -.-

Something sad to say is I am gonna sit for my test 1 next week. My god !
Haiz have to start my revision tmr PERHAPssss. Haha.
Anyway I do enjoy my hols. Spent most of the time on working and training. And badminton with cousin's at night. How great ?
I'm so happy to know those trainers from Korea and Taiwan. They are awesome. Haha. How I wish I could stay here for next whole week n skip classes just for spending time with them, gossiping, fooling each other and of course singing k is a MUST !!
And I really hope I do have the chance to go over their places by the end of this year. *finger crossed* hoping for cheap air tickets !

K laa. Shall stop here since my hair is already dried. Went for badminton just now. Healthy lifestyle ? Isn't it ? Haha.
Study life is gonna start soon.
Hoping for the best !
Aza Aza fighting ! Be a hardworking girl ok ! Don't mess up ur study !

Good night, my dear readers !

Tuesday, 14 August 2012


唉 我又發呆了 又這樣過了一天
該死的電腦 老了 機器壞了 老出毛病
所以啊 現在只好對著蘋果智能手機來 update一會兒 還挺辛苦的 (._.)

這個學期過得很充實 很enjoy
雖然課業重 可是我過得很快樂
怎麼說呢 至少我跟著我的心去做我想做的事 沒有顧慮
也很開心認識了很多老師 讓我看到更多

最近心情起伏很大 但我還算能控制
我班的同學都好可愛 這個學期大家也變了不少 讓我看見大家不同的一面 當然有些還刻意隱瞞 (難道我也不例外?)
當然 這個不是重點
因為一些事情 讓我看開了
曾經為了這件事不開心 但現在回想回去 又何必呢?我不是為了他們而活 我是我
但我還是想強調 自私的定義是甚麼?
我們身為醫學系的學生 知識對大家都很重要 不是嗎 我們不是應該分享嗎
難道你的知識多了 就不必尊重老師了?
或你認為你唯獨有的知識 以後就會是中醫界的權威?
因為你們讓我很失望 讓我覺得我們不像是一家庭 同學 我們要走的路還很長
為甚麼要因為其他因素 而破壞做人的原則 有意思嗎?
而且當越想被隱瞞的事情 老天爺會不以為然的讓我們發現 可笑嗎?

算了 不想多說 至少發洩後舒服多了
是時候睡了 最近身體不怎麼好
還有很多event要忙 test 1也快到了
I can feel the stress !! 加油 !!
「我要擺脫黃芪體質, 拜託 !!! 」

晚安 !

Tuesday, 17 July 2012


夜 已深了
心 又酸又痛 
上个月 同时失去了两位朋友
虽然我们很少联络 但我们曾经一起快乐过

Kay 还记得以前在学校被你骂
你是巡察员 我是坏同学 
为什么老师在前面教课 我在后面玩

毕业后 我们也没什么联络
我好惊讶 因为我差点认不出你
变得好漂亮 还化起妆来 
天啊 简直不敢相信 女人味也散发出来了

唉 原本你还想跟我买课本 
怎知道 还没给到你 你就入院了

"习惯了,就算痛也绝不喊痛 在这7个多月内 从严重反胃到对化疗作呕反应免疫 从鼻出血及肠穿洞的血流不止事件 从有头发到掉发 从化疗到干细胞移植 我很庆幸 我没遇到太大太大的苦难 也没心灵低潮 我花了24小时去接受癌症的降临和作心理建设 不放弃接受正统的科学治疗 需然头几次失败 所花的金钱 已够我修读学士硕士学位 对家人和关心我的朋友来说 活下去更为重要 我本身抱着不勉强,一切随然的心态 相对的求生意志就没其他病患来的强 个性如此 我是天然型的乐天派~~

移植期间 两只狗前后相继离世 老妈说他们为我挡煞 这决定极自私 姐姐我没有要你们这么做

20岁发现第三期淋巴癌 其实19岁已发病 应为没检查 也没预料到会发生在年轻人身上 就酱被无视了 以后都不能买保险 不能考私人飞机驾照 这些都是遗憾

说真的 比起治疗 体重上升 更令我欲哭无泪

" near-death-experience 原来是酱的
躯体飘起 来,很轻,很和平,没有痛楚,可是不久后,就沉下去了 "

" 继癌症后又来找我麻烦的疾病--ITP 血小板减少症 0.01% 的人会中,属于罕见的重症,不管有没有切除胰脏,终身得吃antibiotic and steroid,复发的可能性很高 "

"我知道会比常人命短,不会步入晚年,但有机会步入中年,所以还能过20多年,时间有限,浪费不起,想干什么就放胆做吧,生命重质不重量 "

因为你 让我更懂得珍惜生命
因为你 让我更爱自己
因为你 让我明白生命的脆弱
因为你 我会勇往直前 做自己爱做的事 不会留下遗憾

安息吧 我亲爱的朋友

*明天7小时难熬的课 加油苏小姐* 

Monday, 9 July 2012

Monday Blue ~

Selca 1 - Chill 
First day of my new semester. 
Kinda headache with my timetable. Quite packed. >.<
And my class on Friday till 5pm. Grrr. 
Have to rush back right after class. Usually stuck in the traffic around Seremban highway. I hate that most ! >.< 

Okay. New semester starts. 
5 subjects for this sem. And all of 'them' are pretty hard miann. 
Haiz. Study life starts --> assignments, lab reports, quiz, tests.......................
Jia you Soh Wan Ying ! 
Promised will study AT LEAST harder than last sem !
Is that sounds funny ? I think YES.  
Ain't a student should do ? LMAO.

Let's talk about the lecture today. 
I have only one lecture ( Fundamentals of Acupuncture ) but it took 4 hours.
But luckily today was the first day of lecture, Dr Heng let us go after 2 hours ++ lectures.
My mind was fresh for the first two hours. Hmm. and then......... understand? 
So how am I gonna survive for the rest of the sem ?
And something sad to say is each of my sub takes at least 3 hours of lecture. 
DENG ~ I have to learn how to keep in good condition in class no matter how long the lectures will be right ? Have enough sleep perhaps ? I will try to do so ! 

Picture of the day since I am in the mood (=
Haha. Decided to wear lenses for this sem. 
My eyes are really getting smaller last sem ! 
* Btw, I am not blaming my specs okay ! * 

Jiang Jiang ~ Nice lenses right ? It's from FreshKon. 

Selca 2 - Hiao !
Last but not least, gonna show you guys my new love now !
Ceramic watch from Fossil. 
Thanks Mommy ! ^^ 

Oh yaya ! Before I forget, I wanna share my really FIRST loved ! 
Thanks Eada for sharing where to get this from Taiwan ! 
Mad love ! Della's new album, 好难得 is awesome ! ^^

LOL. My loved is inside the wrap. 
Jiang Jiang ! Got it all the way from Taiwan. 
Limited one with some free cosmetics ! 

1 好难得
2 不是你的错
3 差一步
4 野兽
5 一个人不可能
6 他还认不认得我
7 我还是一样
8 奇异果
9 偷偷的爱
10 不够勇敢
11 倒不如

Basically all are nice and the one highlighted are recommended by me. 
I will post and share more about her album next time k ! 

K laa. Bye bye guys !
Gonna enjoy my first week before busy life starts.
I'm looking forward to the Cameron trip this weekend. (= 

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Back to Uni Life ! T.T

Hey guys ! Feel like to blog before going to bed !
But I am lazy to turn on my Lappy since I already done my packing.
So I have decided to use my phone to blog. Feel good cz I am lying on the bed right now (:

Hmm. Is almost 2am now. Almost done packing left some of the skin cares which I need to use it tomorrow morning.
Back to uni life or sort of jail life ? Lol.
Anyway I feel happy cz gonna meet my besties very soon !! See yea babe !!

And also, I passed all my sub in sem 2 and I was quite shocked when I got the results. Thanks god for letting all of us passed the previous sem ! ^^

K laa. Need to zzz now. Gotta drive tmr. Night peeps !
** I am coming soon, dear jungle ! ><

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Short Update !

Ahha ! Due to the time limiting factor, I will just give a short update.
If you do follow me in Instagram (@wanying29) or FB, 
you'll find out lots of fun from those lovely pictures that I have taken recently.

I am pretty busy this week. 
Currently at out station with my mom. 
Attending EIG Congress 2012 and tomorrow will be the last day of it. 
Feel quite sad cz I am enjoying every moment that they have planned for us. 
Such as the 'Get NAKED with Dermalogica campaign', New launching product, Fantastic talk by Miss Emma, etc etc etc. 
And tmr I will be attending the IDI class which takes whole day from 10am - 5pm. 

Alright. I shall stop here. My mind is asking me to sleep now. 
Cz I was planning to upload some photos that have taken during the Gala Dinner just now. It's really awesome ! @@ ! 
But but but I am really dog-tired now esp my legs. Grr. 4 1/2 inches of heels are crazy !
K laa good night peeps ! 
I will share more on the next post. Probably during the weekend. 
Coming Thurs and Fri will be at JB for training ! wow ! 
Can't wait for it ! ^^ 
Nights ! Sleep tight ! 

Sunday, 10 June 2012


The night is not young, 1.45am right now.
Complicated feelings made me insomnia.
I always sleep well no matter how. 
But tonight is totally different. 

Received a bad news this afternoon.
I was shocked at first. 
My mind keep asking me stay calm !
And I did control my emotion well.
Fine. Till the moment I stepped into the funeral just now. 
I felt something wrong.
I was extremely down. I feel sad. 

Dear CM Tan, you are a good tutor.
You taught us lots, not only what have written in the books.
You used to have your own special notes.
There're lots of proverbs or famous quotes at every corner of your every single pieces of notes and even exercises. How cool ?!
You prefer to act on the short stories and even the whole novel for us instead of reading on books. How great ?! 
But today, the way you used to teach is gonna be a history. 

I am regret now cz I am still owing u a 'Thank You'.
'I talk my talk and I walk my talk.'
This is what you always tell in class. 
I remembered. I will always remember, I promised.

I am regret now on what I have done before. 
I have to face the truth. 
Nothing's gonna help.
Time heals wound. Sigh. 

Lastly, my warmest regards and condolences to your family and baby Tiffany.
Be strong, Madam Phuah ! 

Thank you Sir ! 

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Home Sweet Home

Feel great to be at home. 
Don't feel like going back to the jungle >.<
Argh. Final comes faster pls.
I want my holidays.
Seriously can't stand it anymore. 

Oh yes. Bro and cute cousins are coming back next week !
My holidays will be full of happiness ! 
Happy-ing ~~~ 

Last but not least, hope to see Della soon !
Can't wait for her new album !
Since I couldn't get her album at M'sia,
should I ask my friend to get for me from Taiwan ?
Am I mad ? No right ? haha. 
Love you, Della Ding Dang. 
You are awesome ! 
Why you so pretty ? 

K laa. Gonna stop here.
My eyes are so heavy. @.@ 
Can't wait for my new look tomorrow. 
Guess what ? hehe.. 
I am gonna try on the latest technique from Korea for my so called 3D eyebrow !
How cool ? Cz it's painless unlike the usual embroidery ! 
And I can just 'erase' it easily without pain if it doesn't suit me !
Haha ! Will share my feeling after I did it ! 

p/s : 
Feel happy for mom and sis. 
Finally they get their Samsung Galaxy Note. 
Pink one, limited edition some more. 
But ehem ehem, I still prefer mine. 
I am a superb awesome fan of Apple. Whee ~

Good night, my dear blogders ! *'-'*

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Extremely down.

Argh, what a disgusting yet happening month.
I hate May (hmm, not the May 五月天 k. haha. lame jokes...).
Basically, all my tests dropped in this month.
Left the diagnostic test 2 which falls on this coming Friday. 
And next week will be my final exam for this sem. 
Gosh. They are driving me crazy. 

I strongly believe that if you have put enough effort on something,
and you will sure achieve what you wish or at least fulfill 50% of your hope?
but recently I found out that it doesn't work. -.-
This is the first time I feel so down and wanna give up for my study.
I have failed my test before, but I don't have such a feeling like now.
I have to admit that sometimes I failed is because of my laziness. 
I have to admit that I am those kind of students who study at the last min. 
I am not the kind of human who study revise study and revise to pass my day. 
My day my life should be full of happiness and not to be a typical bookworm. 

Just click on the pic below if you can't see clearly -.-

I failed twice in this sub. I am so proud. -.-
Fine. Final stress die die. 
How to score for the 20% which is equivalent to 50 marks in my final?
Deng~ I never pass 50 in both tests. -.-
Stress die die die die die die die die. 
My dear classmates, we must pass this sub!
Don't let it spoil our report card k? >.<
It contributes lots in GPA. 6 credits hour. 
For those who are holding the scholarship, 
gar yao gar yao! We all can do it de! 
Holiday come faster! Looking forward to 08 June! 
We should plan where to go after the last paper! 

Hmm TCM ain't an easy course. But I found it is interesting. 
TCM is unlike WM, my opinion, no offense. 
TCM has its own way to treat the disease. 
They consider the patient's constitution rather than the disease.
So if you have the habit to visit a physician / sin seh, you'll realize that different physicians will give different prescriptions even though he / she is treating a same disease, such as flu.
Oops... Or am I confusing you? 
Anyway, this is not important. 
As what I said, everyone has the right to do what they like, like choosing to see a  doctor or physician!
And you have no right to stop someone to do what he / she wishes?
Unless he / she is going to kill someone laa. -.- ( lame jokes again. )

Hmm I always ask myself, what will I be after 5 years?
2 years under government internship after graduate. 
And after the 2 years of internship? 
Am I gonna be a physician? 
Or should I ask from the other way round.
Is it a must for a TCM student to be a physician in his / her future?
Is that the only occupation for us? Definitely NO ! 
And we don't know what will we be after 7 years.

Haiz. I feel sad for my friend. 
Hope we will be together again for next 4 years. 
Pls fight for your dream, never give up !!
Me support you ^^ 

K laa. Shall stop here and start my revision for Diagnostic. 
Feel superb sad cz my clinical practice with Dr Yeoh has ended. 
Thanks for guiding me and my group throughout the semester. 
We learned lots of precious experiences from you!
Thank you very much! 

My god. Why I looked so serious ?
Whee ~ Nice one ! 
You are so cool, Dr Yeoh !
Hope to see you next sem ! 
I must pass all the sub for this coming final !
Fighting ! 

Takecareseeyoubye.  ^^ 

Sunday, 6 May 2012

May 2012

What the fuck. Time flies and Time no flies? lol.
May, why u come so fast? June, why don't u come even faster than May? 
Grr. Dilemma. 
I hate May because of the hectic weeks which are full of tests and quiz ><
I love June because finally is my turn to rest. Sem break comes faster pls ><

I'm at mom's salon now. Staring at the road outside there.
It's raining now. No customers. Most of them ffk due to raining I guess.? 
Outside weather cold. Inside the salon sitting under the air-cond is even GG.
Looking at my herb notes, deng~ feel like jumping from the building. 

Gonna have my quiz on coming Wed and Thurs.
There will be only two kinds of marks. Either zero or full marks. Deng~
What if I were careless and destroy what I have done right now?
Wah~ God bless me pls. Let me pass my quiz. It contributes some in my final. 
Btw, I had a crazy April, last month.
Haha. No one knows except my girl, YiiHuey. 
I was like back to my foundation's life as what Ks said.
I bet you couldn't know what I have done !
I will keep it inside my heart and I think I will share in some day when I am crazy again?
K laa, gonna stop here. 
Bro is coming back next month.
Can't wait to see his ugly face ! 
And my lovely cousins too ! Ally & Zac.
Wish me luck peeps ! 
Haha ! Ugly me ! 

I love u, Della ! 
Your concert was awesome ! 
Can't wait for your new album, 好难得 !

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Happy Birthday to my blog!

Yeah. My blog is officially one year old now. 
Happy Birthday to you! 
Haha. Sorry for not updating 'you' frequently. 
I am really busy. >.<

Gonna have herbs quiz on coming thurs. 
I need some luck! >.<
Hope I can recognize the herbs well. 
Wish me luck peeps!

Busy week! 3 more days to go and I will back home!
Pls help me, someone! 
Gotta move everything to upstairs. 
Stupid Inti. 
Don't you know we are busy for study? 
Darn u. mlm. 

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Monday Blueeee~ Disappointment.

A complicated feeling right now. 
Hope I am the one who think too much.
Nothing can beat me down. 
I am strong enough to face it. 
Alright. I need to hide my feelings into somewhere else. 
It's supposed to be a happy day for me.
Thanks Dr. Yong for postponing the Diagnostic test.
I am not ready at all. Haha.
Still got many chapters to go through. 
Hope I have the determination to revise everyday until the day of test.
Is kinda impossible eh. But I will try anyway. 

Btw, stupid me just noticed that I have no study break for this semester.
Wth. I don't know how to face the final laa! 
Gotta squeezed all the subjects into my tiny brain. 
Memory full. I need a bigger space for my brain. 
Haha. Any ideas for me? 
Scientist, please invent some equipment which can boost up my memory.
I am sure I will be the first one who will support you! 
And of course all the students like me will be interested too! Haha!
Okay, shall stop here, STOP DREAMING and back to real life! wtf!

Have to off my lappy and go to bed soon! 
4 hours class + 3 hours clinical tomorrow! 
It's killing me! Non-stop mannnn. T.T
Gar Yao arh Soh Wan Ying! Aza aza fighting! 
Must be a hardworking student ya. haha! 
Good night peeps! 
Have a sweet dream! @.@ 

* I miss you, Evelyn Tan! Faster come back to Malaysia k? >.< *

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Not in the mood.

I am not in the mood. not in the mood.
not in the mood. not in the mood. 
Wanna move to a new place or I will get better?
Grr. I hate current semester. 
Everything is not smooth at all. 
wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf.
Ignore it and I will get better? I am trying hard.
Fucking hard to control myself esp every time when I saw it. 
I am not supposed to be like this. >.<
Why must I affected by it? goddamn help me..! 
It is not as good as what I have thought, so why I have this kind of feeling?
Fuck miaaannnn. 
Dilemma is the best word to describe my situation right now.
Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you.
You are nothing. Pls go away from me. 

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Olivia Ong

Currently addicted to Olivia Ong's songs. 
Wanna share my favourite songs to you guys.
Haha, 'Sharing is Caring'. (= 

As you can see, I have changed my playlists.
The very first 3 songs by Olivia Ong are freaking awesoommee! 
The first song in the playlist that you are listening right now is 'Ready For Love'.
2nd song - 'Close To You' 
3rd song - 海枯石爛

The first and third songs are from her album 'Romance'.
And the second I heard it before which is performed by Carpenters. 
Both are nice but I prefer Olivia Ong's version. Haha. 
Faster go download from Youtube! 
Jiang Jiang!

Artist : Olivia Ong 王俪婷
Album : Romance

01. A Love Theme
02. 海枯石爛
03. Let It Rain
04. Ready for Love
05. Sing
06. Invisible Wings
07. 要你管
08. 邊走邊看邊想
09. Back to Life
10. Amazing Grace

Enjoy her album k guys! 
I am sure you gonna love it too! 
Ba ba ba ba ba ba~~ 

可 能 是 电 梯 里 面 他 撞 翻 我 的 Latte

听 他 道 歉 半 个 月 还 听 不 腻

又 或 许 关 系 遥 远 是 朋 友 朋 友 的 同 学

躲 雨 碰 见 后 再 陆 续 躲 进 电 影 院

要 擦 过 多 少 肩 才 冒 出 三 丈 粉 红 火 焰

我 等 待 我 沦 陷 某 个 时 间 人 物 和 地 点

oh I’m Ready For Love 凭 直 觉 预 感

心 开 出 花 瓣 就 值 得 培 养 灌 溉

Ready For Love 趁 未 来 未 来

打 动 我 灵 魂 牵 手 去 浏 览

Ba… 准 备 被 理 智 出 卖

Ba… 赶 快 被 浪 漫 打 败

他 爱 不 爱 逛 书 店 对 心 理 学 涉 不 涉 猎

懂 不 懂 应 付 我 偶 尔 无 害 的 善 变

要 擦 过 多 少 肩 才 冒 出 三 丈 粉 红 火 焰

我 等 待 我 沦 陷 某 个 时 间 人 物 和 地 点

oh I’m Ready For Love 凭 直 觉 预 感

心 开 出 花 瓣 就 值 得 培 养 灌 溉

Ready For Love 趁 未 来 未 来

打 动 我 灵 魂 牵 手 去 浏 览

Ba… 准 备 被 理 智 出 卖

Ba… 赶 快 被 浪 漫 打 败

Ba… 准 备 被 理 智 出 卖

Ba… 赶 快 被 浪 漫 打 败

Friday, 2 March 2012

Fuck off!

What the fuck. 
I accidentally deleted the previous post that I have updated on 29.02.2012.
Argh. I have lost the chance to write on a post.
Fuck. Wait for another 4 years.
And my next blog post title will be 29.02.2016. >.<
I swear I will never do such careless thingy! I SWEAR!
Forgive me pls for those who haven't read )'=
Luckily, I still manage to get this back. 
I feel my heart pain right now. >.<

Good Night peeps! 
Sad dao~~~~

Btw, can't wait to meet my dear classmates tomorrow!
Will bring them for nice food at BP!
And of course, Mahjong is a MUST. Haha! 

my blog's age :

Daisypath Friendship tickers